"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "$g_name"; echo "
"; ?>
$m_Name: "; echo "\n"; if ($built != "") { echo ""; echo "\n"; } if ($capacity != "") { echo ""; echo "\n"; } if ($scapacity != "") { echo ""; echo "\n"; } if ($g_length != "" && $g_width != "") { echo ""; echo "\n"; } if ($g_website != "") { echo ""; echo "\n"; } if ($LocationID != "") { echo ""; echo "\n"; } ?>
$m_Built: $built
$m_Capacity: "; echo number_format ($capacity, 0, ',', '.'); echo "
$m_Seating: "; echo number_format ($scapacity, 0, ',', '.'); echo "
$m_PitchSize: $g_length x $g_width $m_meters
$m_Website: $g_website
$m_Location: $LocationName"; if ($RegionName != "") { echo " ($RegionName)"; } echo "

"; $ShowAddress = str_replace ("//", "
", "$postal_address"); echo "$ShowAddress
"; if ($country == "ENG" || $country == "WAL" || $country == "NIR" || $country == "SCO") { echo "$Postal_UK
"; } else { echo "$countryname
"; } } ?>
"; echo "$g_telephone

"; } if ($g_fax != "") { echo "$m_FaxNumber:
"; echo "$g_fax
"; } ?>

"; //------------- TEAMS USING GROUND ----------------------- $team = mysql_query ("SELECT team_t.team_id, team_t.club_id, ground_team_t.team_id, team_t.gender, ground_team_t.ground_id, team_t.name, team_t.sortfield, team_t.publish FROM team_t, ground_team_t WHERE ground_team_t.ground_id=$ground AND team_t.team_id=ground_team_t.team_id AND team_t.publish = 1 ORDER BY team_t.sortfield "); ?>
"; } else { echo ""; } echo "  $teamname
\n"; } ?>